Thursday, July 1, 2010

Anything of Johnson Brothers ... I love it!

Many of you are aware that I rarely decorate using blue, in any form. Well heads up bloggers...................I have treaded into new territory and I love the color of this china. My cousin Patty called last Saturday to share the good news about finding a place setting for four and a couple of accessory pieces. She was excited because the pattern was English Chippendale - Red, of course, Johnson Brothers. Every collector of any china knows the history of JB and I was thrilled for her. Envious also, I might add. After all, she lives in Alexandria, VA - home to the largest and BEST Salvation Army I have ever shopped in. I didn't set out to hunt for this same pattern, but while I was at our local DAV thrift shop yesterday - I looked down at the shelf, near the end of the housewares section and my eye spotted two dinner plates and one nice great shaped platter - they were offered in the most gorgeous cottage looking blue I have seen. Immediately - I turned them over to see the name and pattern - YOU GUESSED RIGHT. Johnson Brothers, English Chippendale - Blue. You will never know how happy I was. All three were only $10 and I could not wait to call cousin Patty and report to her. She was shocked that we both have been fortunate to locate pieces of this beautiful and sought after pattern. A few minutes ago, she called to say that she has found a couple of pieces for me in red - she already has a set of four, so her finds will be placed in a corner of her guest room, awaiting a visit from me to claim them. How fortunate I am to have such a wonderful cousin to do this for me - we have decided that I will have a set of four, using all the colors of the pattern. I am excited about this new project and can say that "I am on a mission to locate more of these". It was Patty who challenged me to post a photo - after all, she is our Blog Police and reminded me that nothing had been posted in several weeks. This post is for you cousin Patty. Enjoy and thanks so much for putting me onto such a beautiful pattern.


  1. Bettie, i cannot believe you found those plates so quickly! they are beautiful. Are you going to hang them over your bedroom door or use them in the kitchen?

  2. You made my day with this post! I'm off to a few shops to see if I can find you some dishes. You are absolutely the best writer and most creative person I know and I'm so blessed to have you as my cousin. Some of it might rub off on me one day.

  3. I think I will use them daily if Patty is fortunate enough to help locate other pieces. The pattern is so pretty. I have a lot of the green Currier and Ives large plates I could post over the doorways in the hall. That may look better anyway.

  4. What a find! Patty is so sweet to save some of her finds for you! I want you gals to be MY cousins!
